Breaking the Silence: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month

October marks Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, a time to honor the memories of the babies who are no longer with us and to acknowledge the complex grief that parents and families carry after such profound losses. Miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal loss, or failed and disrupted adoption are heartbreaking experiences, often leaving families to grieve in isolation. But this month is about breaking that silence, offering space for remembrance, connection, and healing.


The Hidden Pain of Loss


The loss of a pregnancy or infant is a grief that can feel invisible. For many, the pain is magnified by the silence that surrounds it. Cultural norms and societal expectations may discourage open expressions of grief, leaving many parents and families feeling isolated in their pain. While the emotional toll is immeasurable, it’s often a quiet grief, one that’s carried privately because others might not know how to acknowledge it—or worse, they don’t know it exists.


The weight of these losses is real, and the grief that follows can be overwhelming. It doesn’t fit into any neat timeline or stage, and it often comes in waves, triggered by milestones, anniversaries, or moments that could have been. For parents who are grieving, their healing process may look different from one another. Some may find comfort in sharing their stories, while others may heal through introspective reflection. The most important thing to remember is that there is no “right” way to grieve. Every journey is valid.


Acknowledging the Unique Challenges for Marginalized or Oppressed Groups


For marginalized or oppressed groups—including families of color, LGBTQ+ families, and single parents—the experience of pregnancy and infant loss is often layered with additional complexities. These families have faced unique challenges in building their families and may have endured systemic barriers, including limited access to quality healthcare, biases in treatment, or a lack of culturally competent care. Their grief is compounded by the absence of inclusive support systems that see and validate their pain.


When families from marginalized or oppressed groups are not adequately supported, their reproductive journeys are rendered invisible. They may struggle to feel seen or heard in a system that was not designed with their needs in mind. This makes Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month an especially important time to elevate their stories, ensuring that the diversity of their experiences is fully acknowledged.


Breaking the Silence


This month provides an opportunity for all of us to break the silence surrounding pregnancy and infant loss. It encourages a culture of listening, learning, and support. Whether you have experienced loss or you know someone who has, now is the time to foster open conversations and meaningful connections.


If you or someone you love has experienced the loss of a pregnancy or an infant, know that you are not alone. There is a community ready to support, listen, and walk alongside you on your journey. Healing looks different for everyone, but it begins when we allow ourselves and others the space to grieve openly, without shame or stigma.


Ways to Honor Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month


Here are a few meaningful ways to participate this month:


  • Light a Candle: Join the global Wave of Light on October 15th, where families around the world light candles in remembrance of the babies they have lost. 
  • Share Your Story: If you feel called to do so, share your story of loss to help break the silence and normalize conversations around pregnancy and infant loss. If you would like to read about mine, you can find it here
  • Support Grieving Families: Sometimes the best support is simply showing up for someone in their grief. Listen without judgment, acknowledge their loss, and offer your presence.


Creating Space for Healing


Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month is a reminder that while grief may be personal, it doesn’t have to be endured in isolation. Together, we can create a more compassionate and inclusive environment where every family’s loss is acknowledged, every story is heard, and every path to healing is respected.


This October, let’s commit to listening, learning, and standing with those who grieve. Every family deserves to feel supported and seen in their journey toward healing.


By shining a light on these often hidden experiences, we can ensure that no one grieves alone, and that every family has the opportunity to heal in their own way.



Breaking the Silence: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month

White votive candles

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